Friday, August 14, 2020

A Support Person Is Necessary for Treating Phobias

A Support Person Is Necessary for Treating Phobias February 17, 2020 Jose Luis Pelaez Inc/Blend Images/Getty Images More in Phobias Treatment Causes Symptoms and Diagnosis Types Theres no need to face your phobia alone; a support person can help you better manage your condition and get the help you need. After all, combating a phobia, which the American Psychiatric Association defines as an irrational and excessive fear of an object or situation, can be exhausting and time-consuming!   So what exactly is a support person?  Although the term can refer to your therapist or other members of your treatment team, its most often used to describe a close friend or relative who plays the roles of advocate, confidant, and cheerleader.  Friends and family members can form the first line of support for someone suffering from a phobia. Find Types of Psychotherapist That Can Help You The amount of support required depends on the nature and severity of your phobia; your personal resources; and the frequency with which you encounter your phobic situation.  Some people have a single support person, but its usually best to have one primary and several secondary support people, especially  if the feared situation is one that is frequently encountered. Having a few people to turn to can ensure that you always have help and that your support people stay fresh and energetic. Its  important to open up to your support person or support people about your phobia, triggers, and methods of coping.  A deep level of trust must be present on both sides.  Depending on your situation, your support person might: Accompany you to therapist appointments.Go with you to events that trigger your phobia.Preview situations to see if youll be able to handle them.Just lend an ear or offer a hug when youre feeling overwhelmed. Types of Social Support There are many ways that people can support one another and different people have preferences for a certain type or a combination or a few types of social support. The wrong type of support can actually have a detrimental effect so its important to specify which type of support you find most helpful. Here are  four distinct types of social support that may work for you. Emotional support:  This typically involves physical comfort and empathy. With emotional support, a friend or spouse might give you a big hug and listen to your problems, letting you know that they’ve felt the same way, too.Esteem support:  Expressions of confidence or encouragement are often found in this type of support. For instance, someone offering esteem support might point out your strengths or simply let you know that they believe in you.  Informational support:  Those offering informational support do so in the form of advice-giving, or in gathering and sharing information.Tangible support:  Tangible support includes taking an active stance to help someone manage a problem they’re experiencing. Someone who offers you tangible support may bring you dinner when you’re sick, help you brainstorm solutions or help you actively deal with the issue at hand.

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